By M.P. Pellicer | Stranger Than Fiction Stories
On February 4, 1972, the first two victims of what became known as the Hitchhiker Murders disappeared. Their names were Maureen Sterling and Yvonne Weber. They were both 12 years old and attended Herbert Slater Middle School. They were last seen around 9 PM at the Redwood Empire Ice Arena.
by M.P. Pellicer | Stranger Than Fiction Stories
She is a mystery and she has kept her secrets since her discovery in 1897. A 14-yearold boy found the statue which is a woman's head, neck and shoulders on a private estate at L'Alcudia in Valencia Spain. The icon is known as the Lady of Elche.
by M.P. Pellicer | Stranger Than Fiction Stories
It was the Roaring 20s, Prohibition was still in effect and Hollywoodland flourished when architect Gordon Kaufman designed a lavish home for the Doheny family, which was perched above Beverly Hills. The family moved into Greystone Mansion in the fall of 1928, when it was reported as the most expensive home ever built in California.
by M. P. Pellicer | Stranger Than Fiction Stories
Shooter's Hill is the highest point in South London. The area was in use since the Roman times. In 1838, skeletons and roman coins were unearthed in the area belonging to Roman soldiers. The road that runs from Dover to London traverses Shooter's Hill, and it was a favorite place for highwaymen to rob the unwary traveler. It comes as no surprise that it has its fair share of ghost stories, including a white lady.
by M.P. Pellicer | Stranger Than Fiction Stories
Over a hundred and fifty years ago a carpet-bag with grisly contents was discovered on Waterloo Bridge in London. Who it was and who left it there remains a mystery till this day.
by M.P. Pellicer | Stranger Than Fiction Stories
In June 1836, three Scottish boys set out to hunt rabbits. On the northeast slopes of Edinburgh's Arthur's Seat they unearthed a cache of miniature coffins that till this day are unexplained.
by M.P. Pellicer | Stranger Than Fiction Stories
Near the corner of St. Aubin Street and Mack in Detroit is a tract of land where a house once stood. In 1929, a horrific murder was committed under its roof, where a family including four children were killed. Not surprisingly there have been reports of a headless man seen wandering where this abode once stood. Could it be the fact that this murder was never solved that causes a tortured soul to be bound to the place it experienced its last horrific moments as a human being? |
Stranger Than Fiction StoriesM.P. PellicerAuthor, Narrator and Producer StrangerThanFiction.NewsArchives
January 2025