By M.P. Pellicer | Stranger Than Fiction Stories
Early in the 19th century, the railroad was the only way to travel throughout the United States and where goods were shipped to different destination points. Many times the depots were on the outskirts of town, which became the seedier area known as the tenderloin. Saloons and brothels were close by and the poor often lived in the area since it was the only place they could afford. Such was the story of a poor woman who lived in a shanty in Harper's Ferry in West Virginia. Her name was Jenny. Is there any truth to the story of the unfortunate Jenny?
by M.P. Pellicer | Stranger Than Fiction Stories
The writer Gaston Leroux appears to have been inspired by several events that occurred during his lifetime when he wrote the dark, gothic story The Phantom of the Opera which appeared in 1910. ![]()
by M.P. Pellicer | Stranger Than Fiction Stories
The White Lady is said to be seen only on foggy evenings in Durand Eastman Park in Rochester, New York., and her sightings date back to the early 1800s. She is said to be the specter of a woman looking for her daughter who was murdered nearby. ![]()
By M.P. Pellicer | Stranger Than fiction Stories
The fascination about giants, their origins and how to explain them has existed for a long time. Some of them are described as being 30 or 40 feet high. ![]()
By M.P. Pellicer | Stranger Than Fiction Stories
Bloody Mary has been invoked by many names, Mary Worth, Hell Mary, Mary White or Mary Jane, however the fate of all those who call upon her have always been terrible indeed. Identified as an evil spirit, her tale emerged from British folklore in the 1700s, and took on a new vengeful twist with the advent of the Internet in the 1990s. ![]()
By M.P. Pellicer | Stranger Than Fiction Stories
One of the most famous apparitions is a hitchhiking White Lady seen on the shore of White Rock Lake in Dallas, Texas. Who was she, and is she the only one who haunts this place? ![]()
By M.P. Pellicer | Stranger Than Fiction Stories
She is mostly known as La Llorona, which is Spanish for the weeping woman. Depending on the source her story can vary, but she is commonly described as being a mother who either drowned her children, or they drowned in an accident and she is perpetually searching for them, usually in the vicinity of bodies of water. She is to be feared because she will drag an unsuspecting child and drown them thinking it is one of her own. ![]()
By M.P. Pellicer | Stranger Than Fiction Stories
In 1887, there was a report of a living mastodon in Alaska. The story was that a party of miners had learned of the existence of living mastodons near the headwaters of the White River. Up to then it was believed to be a fabrication of northern fur traders. ![]() By M.P. Pellicer | Stranger Than Fiction Stories There is a 200 square-mile area in Eastern Massachusetts known as the Bridgewater Triangle, as well as the more ominous-sounding Black Triangle. ![]()
By M.P. Pellicer | Stranger Than Fiction Stories
Lonely stretches of road all over the country are said to be haunted by the spirit of lost hitchhiker ladies, always trying to reach their final destination. ![]() By M.P. Pellicer | Stranger Than Fiction Stories Mines, both mysterious and treacherous are believed by the men that work there to be haunted. Sometimes these apparitions try to give a warning of pending disaster, other times they lure the living to their doom. In Grant Town, West Virginia the Federal No. 1 mine operated from 1901 until 1985 and was said to be haunted by a Russian miner. ![]() By M.P. Pellicer | Stranger Than Fiction Stories Tamworth has many ghosts that are said to be haunting it's ancient walls, but two of the most famous are the Black Lady and the White Lady. ![]()
By M.P. Pellicer | Stranger Than Fiction Stories
Waikumete Cemetery is located in Auckland. It is the largest cemetery in New Zealand, and the second largest in the southern hemisphere. It covers almost 300 acres, and has over 70,000 burials. Is it little wonder that it has a fearsome reputation as being very haunted. ![]() By M.P. Pellicer | Stranger Than Fiction Stories When we think of aliens, we picture something strange with large black eyes. Something that doesn't look human. But in some cases these beings have learned very well how to mimic us. ![]() By M.P. Pellicer | Stranger Than Fiction Stories There are locations from around the world which are scenic, but for all their beauty and historical significance come with a turbulent past, and troubled souls that refuse to rest in peace. |
Stranger Than Fiction StoriesM.P. PellicerAuthor, Narrator and Producer StrangerThanFiction.NewsArchives
February 2025