Intimate Lover
Love-making skills
Your true erotic nature
Insights into your erotic nature providing an honest look at your sexuality, the way you behave towards your lover, what you need from a partner and find most exciting and important about making love.
16+ pages delivered on-screen & emailed.
What making love means to you
Be amazed at how much you can learn from this special report, find out the following details: The way you 'perform' and react to your lover, including your thoughts and self-expression when making love. Exactly what you value and need most from your lover. The driving force of your sexuality as well as your capacity and desire for lovemaking, plus the improvements you can make.
Pleasure you give and receive
Gain confidence in your ability to make your love-making a special experience; far beyond what you believed possible. For maximum enjoyment from your sexual relationship share your Intimate Lover reports. Reveal the most exciting ways to satisfy one another.
Destiny Revealed
- 6 reports in 1 package
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