by M.P. Pellicer | Stranger Than Fiction Stories
She is a mystery and she has kept her secrets since her discovery in 1897. A 14-year-old boy found the statue which is a woman's head, neck and shoulders on a private estate at L'Alcudia in Valencia Spain. The icon is known as the Lady of Elche.
by M.P. Pellicer | Stranger Than Fiction Stories
In June 1836, three Scottish boys set out to hunt rabbits. On the northeast slopes of Edinburgh's Arthur's Seat they unearthed a cache of miniature coffins that till this day are unexplained. ![]()
by M.P. Pellicer | Stranger Than Fiction Stories
An archaeological dig at Huanchaquito-Las Llamas in Peru was found to contain the mummified remains of 140 children that were part of a mass sacrifice some time during the 15th century. The victims were both boys and girls between the ages of five and fourteen. ![]()
By M.P. Pellicer | Stranger Than Fiction Stories
The Mayans which lived in the area of Lake Peten Itza in Guatemala had been known to make animal and human sacrifices, but a recent discovery by Polish divers and researchers indicate that blood sacrifices were made for close to a thousand years, especially when they faced war with their Spanish conquerors in 1697. ![]()
By M.P. Pellicer | Stranger Than Fiction Stories
A search for rare plants 18,000 feet up the Himalaya Mountains yielded a find, much rarer and macabre than what was being sought. ![]()
by M.P. Pellicer | Stranger Than Fiction Stories
In November 2017, a sphinx head standing six feet tall and weighing over three hundred pounds was unearthed by six archaeologists. It's not thousands years of old, it's not even 100 years old. It was left behind in 1923 when Cecil B. DeMille filmed the silent movie The Ten Commandments on the sand dunes on the central California coastline. ![]() By M.P. Pellicer | Stranger Than Fiction Stories Several graves of British royalty dating back to the dark ages have been found. Originally they were overlooked because they were not lavish enough, and had no grave goods inside. ![]()
By M.P. Pellicer | Stranger Than Fiction Stories
This 19-foot crocodile-like reptile roamed China about 1000 B.C. Remains have been found ritualistically beheaded and scientists believe this new species was driven to extinction by being over-hunted. ![]() By M.P. Pellicer | Stranger Than Fiction Stories According to the Bible, Sodom and Gomorrah were so sinful, that God decided to punish them with total destruction. It came in the form of a fireball from the sky. ![]() By M.P. Pellicer | Stranger Than Fiction Stories In June, 2023, it was announced that a silver military metal with a Medusa motif, was found in what was once the northern edge of the Roman Empire in Britain. Could it have belonged to an ill-fated member of the 9th Legion? ![]() By M.P. Pellicer | Stranger Than Fiction Stories In the early 1900s, shrunken heads known as tsantas were acquired at U.S. museums. Despite being macabre they fascinated the public. ![]() By M.P. Pellicer | Stranger Than Fiction Stories In 1971, two boys made a discovery near a privet hedge in their yard, which opened the gateway to something sinister. |
Stranger Than Fiction StoriesM.P. PellicerAuthor, Narrator and Producer StrangerThanFiction.NewsArchives
February 2025